Day 4 of our epic roadtrip /moving trip. We had a great time in Chicago visited great friends. Bob was the best tour guide.
Even found Wrigley's stadium trying to dodge the crazy Chicago traffic. After 2 days in Chicago we said goodbye at night time to Chicago and promised to go visit again.
Then we had the a 17 hour drive ahead of us to be in Fort Worth Texas. I was informed there is a difference between Fort Worth and Dallas.
We did little stopping through the night to get to St. Louis we did pull over for photo open. The Archway is cool. After many hours of driving er took a small detour into Kansas yo get another state.
Well Kansas sucks from Emily which I agree with that statement. We wanted to try a little diner which was only 5 miles out of way. The Diner was showcased on diners. Dives, and drive-ins from the Food Network. No menu food just buffet so we left and got Sonic.
Back on the road got lost trying to get back to Interstate 44. Oklahoma was a long drive. Girls got a little restless in the car All day. Then just wanted to get to Texas so they said no big stops lets go. It took us about 20 hours from Chicago to Fort Worth Texas... not bad for four girls.
In Texas we have had the best with our old neighbors and dear friends. Swimming and laundry was my plan. Even got a run in. My body was nit used to running in 90 degree heat. Only did 2.6 miles
Run is a run so I am proud I made time for run.
More on the road later as I snuggle into my hotel bed.